Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment & Testing
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Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment & Testing: Our Journey
It’s no secret that I have gone through two miscarriages recently. And it’s also no secret that we are going through recurrent miscarriage treatment & testing. Well, not a secret to you guys. I never actually announced my second pregnancy to friends or even a lot of my family.
After our first loss, I had read all the stats: you’re significantly less likely to have another miscarriage if you get pregnant within 3 months of your last miscarriage- you can start trying again with your first period after a D&C…. and we did. The moment I saw those two lines I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I was excited, but I felt sick to my stomach with worry. Will this end the same way? Will I carry this child longer and miscarry? How will I know if everything is alright?
Then I started to bleed a few days later, and I kept bleeding. I called my OBGYN, and she brought me in for blood testing. I had 6 different HCG blood tests over the course of four weeks, and it doubled each time. It was all good, they told me- even though I continued to bleed. When we finally went in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks, there was no baby, and my HCG levels had dropped. We had already lost the baby.
At that point, I was directed into another room and started talking with another doctor who specialized in miscarriage and fertility treatments. Technically, it is early in the game to go through fertility testing after two miscarriages, but since I had given birth to a healthy baby two years earlier, they wanted to do some digging.
Ultrasounds of my uterus and ovaries were ordered, and there were blood tests galore. It was crazy to think that this was “noninvasive” fertility testing, it felt like they were digging into every possible solution and outcome- but I felt taken care of, and I felt seen.
Over the course of the next month, I had the following types of recurrent miscarriage treatment testing:
Ultrasound of Ovaries and Pelvis
Thorough Record Of Previous Menstrual Cycles (track, ladies!)
Diabetes Testing: A1C, Blood Glucose Fasting, Insulin Serum, and more
Thyroid Testing: Triidothyonine, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, and more
Estradiol Levels (multiple)
Follicle Stimulating Hormones
Testosterone (multiple)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
A Dozen HCG Tests
And several more for recurrent miscarriage treatment & testing
My doctor first wanted to rule out any concerns with diabetes and thyroid issues, as these are some of the more common causes of fertility problems and miscarriages. And lucky me, I have a long family history of both. After I had blood draws for thyroid and diabetes tests, I had to go in for HCG blood draws every three days until I was below 5 again and wait for my menstrual cycle to return.
Once my menstrual cycle returned, I would go in on the 3rd day of my period to get ovarian reserve and estrogen levels tested. These tests took a little over a week to come back, so it was a bit of agony waiting. But when results came back, they were not good…. I was able to see the results on my end before my doctor called me, and I had already Googled everything up and down. My estrogen levels were nearly nonexistent.
When my doctor finally called to go over the results, she told me that my HCG levels were still not back to normal, even through I had already gotten my period. Because of this, she did not feel comfortable with the results of my fertility tests, and wanted to try again next month.
So after 6 weeks and 44 total tests, we are no closer to having answers. My anxiety is running high, and so are our bills.

Finally, nearly two months later, I have an appointment to go over all results with my doctor. And what do you know, she tells me that almost everything is normal. My A1C is slightly elevated, so she says to keep an eye on that, my estradiol levels are below average, but still within the normal range, I may have beginning stages of PCOS, and my cervix is wonky but functional considering we have no problems conceiving.
So now what?
She starts going on about the next steps and farther, more invasive testing- and my head starts spinning a bit. I ask her if she truly believes I need additional testing, or if these were two very tragic coincidences. She tells me that she does believe it’s more likely these are not connected based on all of my results, and she fully supports me in stopping testing at this time. She had thought I wanted to be more aggressive with answers, and was glad I spoke up and questioned it.
SO we have come up with a plan: if I do not become pregnant within 6 months of starting to try again or have another miscarriage or chemical pregnancy, she wants me to come back to see her, and we will go forward with additional testing.
She also wants me to start using progesterone supplements while we are trying to conceive again to help promote a healthy pregnancy, and to ensure a good implantation. I will start using the progesterone 3 days after ovulation, and will continue daily until I get my period. If we successfully get pregnancy, I will continue to use progesterone daily until I am 10 weeks pregnant.
Be an advocate for your recurrent miscarriage treatment & testing!
I feel confident with where we are in our plans, and the healthcare I am receiving. Please let this show you that you need to be an advocate for your health. If you want more aggressive recurrent miscarriage treatment & testing, you need to ask for it. And if you want to take a break or to pause recurrent miscarriage treatment & testing, have an open conversation with your doctors. It is their job to look out for you, and to listen & walk you through any concerns you have.