Five Summer Water Games That Require No Swimming Pool
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With the summer season in full swing, it is tough to find new and creative things for kids to do outside. Most kids want to head to the swimming pool. If you have no swimming pool, that can be a real pain in the neck. The good news is, there are tons of awesome, refreshing water games that kids can play that require absolutely no swimming pool at all! If you have kids and want to create a really fun time on a hot afternoon, here are five great suggestions to get started:
Water Balloon Baseball
This cool game is rather simple. Take a baseball bat, whiffle ball bat or any other long, safe object and toss your kids some pitches to hit. The difference is that you replace the balls with water balloons. When the kid swings and hits the balloon, water explodes everywhere and splashes everybody around!
Slip n Slide Style
Roll out a long piece of strong plastic or anything else you have that could safely make a slip and slide. Old tarps often work well. Soap up that slip and slide with some dishwasher soap and put it on a slight downhill incline. (Or severe depending on how you feel about speed and kids)..Then take the water hose and run the water from the top. The combination of water and soap will make it slippery and fun. Make it a game by finding new and unique ways to slide down. Mom or Dad can give them grades.
Sprinkler Tug of War
Take a long rope and put a sprinkler dead in the middle. Play tug of war and flip the sprinkler on to see who gets wet first! This becomes a great deal of fun because the water makes you slip and slide. Be sure you do this in a spot on the yard where mud is not a problem. You can quickly ruin your lawn.
Squirt Gun War
Grab some Dollar Store squirt guns and you can head out and have the ultimate war with the kids. From cowboys and indians to cops and robbers, you can squirt until everyone is soaked and cooled off.
Power Hose Squirt Fun
This one works for the slightly older kids but it is a ton of fun. The object is to freeze in place. Then Mom or Dad (or an adult) can take the hose and spray them all over (except in the face of course) and see if they can make them move. If they move, they lose. If they can stay totally still throughout the spraying, they get to spray mom or dad the same way.
All of these games are a great deal of fun but they do require water. Make sure you have close supervision and that you are under no water shortages if you play them.What other water games have you heard of that are great fun to play?
Thank you DazzlingDailyDeals for the great ideas!